Patrick Hoover Speaks at Choice Program Event Apr. 21, 2009
Patrick Hoover visited the Choice Program Spring Reflections event at UMBC Technology Center on April 21, 2009. In his presentation to the Choice Program staff, Hoover described the special education process, a student’s legal rights under the IDEA and FERPA, and shared with Choice Program staff how special education services can assist clients involved in the juvenile justice system.
Hooverlaw will be periodically posting questions from Choice Program staff, and answers to their questions, on the Hooverlaw blog. Please don’t hesitate to email your questions to Patrick Hoover, and please visit periodically to read about Choice Program clients’ real-life problems and answers to those problems.
Hooverlaw also posted a page with some tips and suggestions for Choice Program Staff on our alternate website, Choice Program Staff may also email Patrick Hoover from that site.