For every dollar PG spends on a special ed student, Howard spends $3
In addition to the publicly available school district budgets for 2013, the Maryland State Department of Education has also released data on the number of students receiving of special education services.
It should come as no surprise then just how different these budgets are across our great region. But does it?
The average expenditures for students receiving of special education services in Howard County is three times that of Prince George’s. These costs cover everything from federally funded transportation services mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), special education faculty members including teachers and therapists, as well technologies such as augmentative communication devices, and physical therapy equipment.
In light of this fact, can we really blame parents for wanting the best for their children? For moving into different school systems that are much more equipped to provide the services that they need? Or perhaps a more personal question: if your child were in need of special education services, where would you want your kid?